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Linkedin referral offer

Refer us for an app or development project and get up to £5,000

Call us on 0207 112 8021 or fill in the form below to discuss any potential projects you’d like to refer us for and we’ll confirm the details of the commission structure.

How does it work?

We like to reward successful client. That’s why we offer a referral commission of up to 10% (max £5,000) of any billing related to the initial project.

How do referrals work?

When you refer us to a client, we'll work with them directly to deliver their project and handle the day to day communication. In many cases it is both recommended and sometimes critical that you remain involved, unless the referral is for a project or client you aren't looking to service yourselves following the work.

Will the client we refer pay extra?

The simple answer to this one is no. To give you the discount or referral fee, we reduce our own margin vs our standard advertised fees. That way we can reward you for the business while still delivering exceptional project value.